My first post after 9 months...
Life in 2010 has been pretty happening for me be it personal or at work.. Looking for jobs, going for interviews, struggling with work, dealing with people, etc.. The list goes on and on. Ultimately, manage to get pass 2010 but with some work undone which has to be carry forward to this year.
Moving forward, it's already April.. Time sure flies.. Seriously, I am starting to think how long am I going to stay here as an employee looking back at what I have learnt for the past 1 year here...
The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the mind.
spoke at : 4/23/2011 08:09:00 AM
Broken x2

Apparently this is the week (slash month) that everything in my corner of the world decides to fall apart. Not only is my brain completely broken, but my computer seems to have followed suit. If you're waiting online for me, I apologise profusely! I attempted to sort it all out tonight but my little brain (and/or my little PC) just wouldn't cooperate.
Fingers crossed tomorrow will bring better things, not only in terms of technological and cerebral functions, but life in general too!
spoke at : 7/17/2010 12:40:00 PM
Food for Thought
You know that life isn't a battle, but a game, and you don't let anyone tell you differently. The only trick is knowing the rules of the game, and if you do, you can turn any circumstance into victory. Today's rules are pretty straightforward, actually, and you've seen them coming. First, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Second, keep the faith. Finally, remember that what you get out of this life is what you put into it. Pretty simple, right?
Use your brain.
spoke at : 5/14/2010 07:21:00 PM
What Hand Gesture Are You?
You Are an "A-OK"

Your life philosophy can be summed up as, "Whatever will be, will be."
Your greatest wish is to live each day a little better than the next.
You are naturally calm and stable. Some people would call you a rock.
You feel one with the world. You are a spiritual person, though no one who knows you would guess it. |
spoke at : 5/10/2010 07:30:00 PM
Every day is a new beginning. And every day we have choices to make. We may not always be able to choose what happens to us on any given day but we can choose the attitude we take towards those events. No matter who we are, what we do or where we come from, we have the choice. That choice is not how the events before us shape our attitude but how our attitude shapes the events before us.
For you my friend.
spoke at : 4/30/2010 10:05:00 PM
What Do Your Hands Say About You?
Your Hands Say That You Are Logical
 You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.
Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations.
Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life.
Your emotions tend to be relaxed and uncomplicated. You don't read too much into things. |
spoke at : 4/06/2010 10:09:00 PM
Do You Get Enough Sleep?
You Sometimes Don't Get Enough Sleep |
 You're often more tired than you'd like, and you're probably not getting enough quality sleep. Sleeping a little more could make you a lot more energetic and happy.
Try having a bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, and only eat fruit before bed. |
spoke at : 3/20/2010 10:59:00 AM