Saturday, September 25, 2004
early in the morning..
slept very early ytd, ard 8+ going to reach 9pm i doze off le.. was lying on my bed reading a bk i bought recently. tis few days very tired, dunno y. body aching all over T.T then now woke up so early, got nth to do.. abit cold oso.
feeling like learning some music instruments. maybe keyboard or guitar for a start. i prefer guitar la. dunno got determination not. later halfway give up sian 1/2. suddenly got interested in music other than singing. i always love to sing =D but then nid $ u noe learning all tis.. spent alot last mth. hven recoup back yet.. then my fren's bday all coming up.. nid to spent somemore again. but i manage to save 50 bucks tis week.. yay.. hope can save until 400-500 bucks then all put back to my bank. after tat i can spent some $ on the things i wanna buy again. hope it wun take long ba.
now reading my friendster's testimonials. found it abit funny.. oso dunno y.. haha..
spoke at : 9/25/2004 07:15:00 AM
精灵 - 林俊杰
月光下的你沉默而孤单 挺直的脊梁和瘦削的肩膀 眼里的迷惘 影子的苍凉 夜雾 茫茫 可以对着你一整个晚上 什么都不说数着呼吸幻想 想着真实的你 到底怎样 怎么坚强 但爱 轻悄悄的 追来的不露痕迹 化成一件外衣 披上眼前的你 我思念到了底 就一直逗留在你心里 因为我遇见你像一场虚拟的游戏 我认识你也只是网络上一段讯息 你若不在 我的脑海 就一片空白 因为我不停猜想你的心思你的脸 模拟着和你见面走在一起的画面 我会等待 你能接受 这么爱
spoke at : 9/25/2004 07:12:00 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
where m i?

spoke at : 9/20/2004 10:46:00 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
the last lap...
wat i did today:
went looking for clothes today wif chong at ard city hall area.. like walking blindly w/o any idea wat to buy n where to go.. end up playing pool n billard, eating the whole day. haha really no budget man.. bring $50 left $20.. abit shocked..
pretty boring tis few days, dunno wat to do. frens all seems to b bz wif their own things or they dun wanna go out.. for me too, leading my own boring life, lazing ard.. suddenly lost my motivation of studying since last week.. i always do my tutorials b4 lessons but now i dun, all starting to become like yr2 like tat.. dun feeling like studying. tmr getting back some of the results, tink gonna b laugh by the lecturers. wrote alot of crap on the question papers. i failed some lab test badly too.. i knew i din work hard enough. but dunno y i kept dozing off when studying for the papers. cant really concentrate. every term since poly during exam period, bad things tend to happen to me. but i manage to prevent bad things to happen during my mid-term test tis yr. i thought tat will make me concentrate on my studies but it din.. but last few yrs bad things happened yet i still managed to get a borderline pass.. sigh.. left 1 more mth to go, hope i going to work hard from nx week onwards. at least finish up those stupid mini projs, they'r such a waste of time. i rather have lab test so it all end in 1 day than dragging the proj until near the deadline then do it. kinda tired now.. nid to slp le.. gd nite..
*may diligence b wif me.. always..
spoke at : 9/19/2004 11:01:00 PM
Friday, September 17, 2004
50% of the war was lost! omg! omb! help!
yay.. term test finally over le.. tired week man.. almost the whole week 6-7hrs facing the computer screen. eyes n wrist hurt so much. anway tink wun do well in the term test cos din study properly, kept falling aslp at home when studying. xia suay man but 4get it ba since its over.. semster test then chiong la.. hopefully can pass.
sigh, nx week must start to do projs le.. alot sia.. dunno can finish or not. so many things to handle. heng no fall sick tis week.. nearly had sore throat.. tmr still nid to go yip's house learn programming sia to do final yr proj. hope wun b hard then i can do at home no nid always go his house to do.
tink must manage my time n money properly le nx week, pray i'll do it. waste alot of time liao, money oso.. target to save 400 bucks in the nx few weeks to deposite in my bank. overused last few weeks but really had to use mah. as for time leh, dun really noe how to manage.. trying to cut down on playing games le cos feeling the stress there now. but most of the time i just cant b bothered then i went slping.. omg, wat m i doing??! but tis few days definately i'll slp until enough to make up for tis few days lack of slp.
anyway tis days seldom contact my frens sia.. dunno how they'r doing n getting on *wondering.. esp grace n jane.. anyway both of u tk care ya? dun get frustrated wif yur work ladies.. argh, help!! im so sticky now. tink i nid to go to bathe le.. hehe, dun peek..
spoke at : 9/17/2004 05:47:00 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2004
2day is my bday!! lolx..
2day's my bday.. but ended up studying at Sg post mac.. dunno y wake up so early then reached there at 10.30am. study n study until 1pm, ber came.. after tat study until 4.45pm.. then weewei n chong jio me n ber went to play LAN game at grandlink. had some fun until 6.45pm then we went off le.. chong bought me a present too n gave it to me 2day.. thx dude..
now nth to do sia.. dunno wanna study or not oso.. not much ppl online.. haha but nvm cos its my bday. hehehe.. but hopefully i'll b more lucky starting from tmr ba cos i tis 3 mths very suay le. if i got any suay-er i really bo way kong liao. anyway nx week exam liao, tink should try to study abit ba, hope my 'study form' come cos after tis exam nx term confirm very bz 1.. got a few more projs coming up le. T.T
*stressed out slacker
spoke at : 9/11/2004 08:15:00 PM
T.T ShOuLd I cAllEd It WoRdS oF aPpReCiAtIoN T.T
maybe there were a handful of ppl who had forgotten my bday but its alrite cos i dun really celebrate my bday 1 as u noe n i dun expect ppl to remember my bday or celebrate it too cos it isnt really impt. they got their own things to take care of n other stuffs. but maybe tis yr is special ba. tis yr's 19yr old bday of mine is alot alot alot better than last time. normally i'll not celebrate it n not let anybody noe when is my bday, i'll stay at home slack or play wif my Pc or enjoyed the slience in my room staring into empty space.
if i din remember wrongly, tis was the 2nd time i m celebrating my bday in my 19 yrs of life. its also my 1st time i celebrated it wif my frens. no tong nian sia. a feeling tat had been forgotten since long time ago ard 10+yrs le ba T.T so there were a number of ppl i wanted thank:
many thanks grace, michelle n chong for celebrating my bday wif me on the 10th of sept at partyworld ktv..
thanks for the cake too. its so cute, keke. anyway honestly tat nite i din really made a wish b4 i blew out the candles. dunno y there're alot of thoughts in my mind tat nite.. so dun get angry ya cos i told the truth now to let u guys noe.
a great thanks EVERYONE for their gifts. i just
received a sms from weiliang, he remembered my bday too. i nv tot he'll wished me happy bday but he did. so bad of me.. i'm glad tat he remembered my bday.
darren, eddie, jane, june, yuwen remembered too, dunno how they noe 1.
wee hou, alvin n yip (primary sch's frens) wished me happy bday too.. thanks all of u man!
if i missed out anybody, sorry k.. again, many thanks to all of u..
spoke at : 9/11/2004 01:15:00 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
hmm.. finally started studying ytd at mac.. dunno y cant i study at home.. maybe bcos got bed n Pc ard ba.. but then use Pc oso dunno do wat shit, can sit there for hrs yet did nth but playing games.. hahaz.. anyway at mac study oso gd la.. got things to c, or maybe pretty girls, etc.. hehez.. sometimes can chat wif frens oso.. last yr i oso at mac study mah, then really got study 1.. only diff is last yr at home i oso can study man.. now dunno y cannot.. wats wrong wif me?? but nvm at least i finally had start on sumthing liao so should keep on going.. hope i dun turn lazy ba.. may diligence be wif me..
spoke at : 9/10/2004 01:01:00 AM
Monday, September 06, 2004
me n engkee at the bbq, east coast..
yuwen was 'bbq'ing.. eddie not there.. abit disappointed tat we cant take a group photo wif 4 of us inside..
spoke at : 9/06/2004 11:53:00 PM
red cross bbq
ytd went jurong again.. wif grace, michelle n chong.. i gave my 128mb mp3player to my mum cos she said she wanted it.. so gave it to her lor.. then went there bought another new 1 for myself. really broke tis time, still nid to fork out xtra $.. after i went to red cross bbq.. surprisingly, eddie wasnt there! weiliang was there! eddie put aeroplane sia.. tmd.. then weiliang still as quiet.. tis yr bbq he suddenly came.. hmm.. din tok to him la.. dunno wat to say.. then got to noe some of the juniors there as all of us there chat along.. tok abt alot of things.. told them out past experience in camp,etc.. oso abt tofu generation, boy-girl relationship,etc.. then eat n drink lor. then send those kids to bus stop take bus.. every 1 of them got into the bus then me, yuwen, eng kee then went home.. so tired sia.. every red cross bbq was like a gathering day for me.. brought back memories.. i thx the juniors for organising tat bbq n inviting me there.. i really appreciated it.. many thx man.. i'm lookin forward to the nx bbq..
spoke at : 9/06/2004 11:29:00 PM
Friday, September 03, 2004
2day's lesson was short.. only 2hrs of negotiation skills lec.. after tat went to ate breakfast. then ard 10.30am chiong to jurong there, got creative warehouse sale. everything was cheap.. i bought a mp3 player. 128mb only la. i din regret buying the player but i regret buying 128mb, should hav bought a 256mb. cos i duno it can act as a thumb drive too.. no wonder my fren bought the 512mb 1.. but nvm, the appearance isnt ugly, quite simple too. tis week broke le.. bought the levi's jean ($139.50) n tis mp3 player ($129) = $268.50. last time broke was bcos i DIY a pc. now was buying tis 2 stuffs.. i haven bought my shirt yet.. T.T then concession oso going to expire le, so nid to save xtra $50 for tat.. tink gonna save $ for quite a long time again ba.. gonna end here le.. update again nx time..
spoke at : 9/03/2004 10:25:00 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
1st of sept...
today dismissed quite early.. ytd was doing my proj until quite late in the night so 2day intend to take a break. then i asked Chong out to PS wif me to find the long lost levi's jeans i wanna bought last yr.. we found it! hahaz.. tat jeans i haven saw ppl wear in sch yet leh maybe too outdated liaoz.. but nvm, i like can le but quite expensive. heng tis few weeks i had been saving $$ or else...... but tat jeans nv failed in burning a hole in my wallet. then watch chong ate yoshinoya for lunch cos i already ate in sch, went to play pool at monstercue.. haha we play the pool very differently, siao 1.. so difficult to play man.. each pocket can only pocket 1 of yur balls... aiya very hard to explain sia.. a wierd way to play pool man, really can train u on manipulating the ball. after tat went back PS, laz ard.. after tat we went play xbox, hahaz.. kinda fun la, play a game called "kong fu chaos".. after playing, ate dinner afer tat we went home. a short n simple day but i enjoyed it..
spoke at : 9/01/2004 09:33:00 PM