engrossed in my work after i came home from sch. anyway my hair nice not ar? tried to comb them to the side. actually my hair was not tat nice as it seems in the pic leh. sad sia. maybe my sis took my photo the angle gd. haha.

spoke at : 10/29/2004 11:22:00 PM
ahh.. so late le.. FINALLY finished studying network management(NWM). sia la, so many things to study 1, tmd.. dunno later still remember those things or not. hmm, nvm. at least i got study. hahaz.. did the mcq for past yr paper oso. hope i pass wif flying colours later.. hahaz..8.5hrs nmore to exam.. weee.. tired tired.. ytd by rite at mac study 1, damn it man.. sg post mac air con under maintainence!! super hot down there inside.. me n ber ard 12pm+ reached there.. studied until 3pm+ we went off le. cannot take the warmth there.. haha.. warmth.. wat a word to describe the atmosphere.. wth m i toking.. lolx.. dunno y today siao siao 1. meanwhile i wanna let u all noe a SECRET!! i now very tired le.. hahahaha.. fake!! after later tat paper, nx week still got 2 more papers to go. anyway gd luck to those taking exams tmr.. n lastly get well soon meiqi.. everybody tk care wor.. weeeee!!!
spoke at : 10/29/2004 01:24:00 AM
Java how to study..!
out at Sg post mac study again.. today like no mood but manage to make some notes for chap 1-chap3 for network management.. got 1 problem on my java programming.. i got no tutorials no txt bk.. dunno how to study.. tink try to get a D for it will do.. sianz.. tmr mit ber study again. he still can play bball sia.. i wanna "worship" him.. gtg now.. cyaz.. Zzzz...
spoke at : 10/24/2004 11:01:00 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Out for Mugging
had been mugging whole day at Marina Sq BK wif michelle, grace n chong.. then while resting saw amelia n a guy.. lolx.. so qiao.. haha, none of my business anyway. quite boring.. study n study.. but b4 tat was at esplanane library awhile cos miting them there. dun go the library inside order the ramen eat.. tmd eat maggie mee sia.. wtf.. waste my $. sad.. in the end hungry then go Marina Sq BK eat then study there oso.. tink studied quite alot today but like dun remember a thing but i REALLY got STUDY!! hmm.. tmr miting at Sg Post Mac. hope something get into my brain tmr.. quite sian 1 week nv play game liaoz le. ke lian rite.. too bz.. projs jsut finish few days ago, nx coming is exams. final exam to be exact. my very very last chance to study hard.
at BK just now oso got chat awhile wif chong, grace n michelle.. duno y chat chat chat.. chat until bgr.. then grace said single gd.. hahaz.. then michelle said me n chong r special.. dunno y still no gf.. lolx.. i oso got no idea y like tat. but tat 1 now not impt la.. impt 1 is finish those stupid exam papers 1st. lastly i really hope to have a sec 1F, 2F gathering soon.. hehex..
spoke at : 10/23/2004 11:31:00 PM
Wear Out..
Negotiation skills test over le.. feeling abit lighter but my mood 2day sux man.. dunno wat went wrong? 2day sch dismissed early too. then jio yuwen play pool, he said not free.. everytime not free 1.. buay tahan sia. always like tat 1.. got gf liao itz? say la, i can understand 1. i really really got pissed off by him tis time. but after all he just cannot go out wif me only mah.. dunno y i dulan.. ok la i apologised to u now.. sorry. (maybe sum1 reading tis could get yuwen to c tis ba)
*sigh.. last few week oso like tat, small small things i flare up liao.. then i go bang my mouse.. the left click spoilt sia.. so sad.. but heng i bang 2nd time it became back to normal again. my endurance like not as gd as b4 liao le. *sigh... but as for now i really nid something for me to fa xie. but yet i dunno wat i nid. very tired now.. still lack of slp.. feel like taking a nap now, later still nid to study for exams. T_T
-the Guy wif 4 Holes on his Body
spoke at : 10/22/2004 02:56:00 PM

"early in the morning" view outside my window, nice?

spoke at : 10/22/2004 02:53:00 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Zzz.. finally its over.. Zzz
i recovered ard 90% liao but still coughing though. woah!! today presentation of my final yr proj (fyp). can say its quite succesful ba. got some compliments from the accessor (the person whom we presented to). hopefully can pass lor. but he told me n my grp members off b4 we started to present, saying y we start so late, our attitude towards the proj all tat. then my grp actually earlier which was ytd got tok to our supervisor abt it. then my grp agreed to sort of compensate for the time wasted by continuing improving on the game n show it to him b4 my nx sem attachment ends. anyway finally fyp can say is end liao la. 1 burden off my shoulder. (n___n) hehehex!
tmr got negotiation skill test. sian ar, lack of slp tis few days. doing fyp mah. now only ard 10.30 i already starting to feel quite tired n slpy le. just finish reading thru the notes i made for tmr's test. hope i can pass cos i did fairly gd on the last test which was 30%. then role play i tink got get a just pass la, 30% for tat oso. tmr is 40%, hope i can score well for it, hope maybe can get a B cos i nv got B b4. haha.. always Cs n Ds. tis sat also must start to study the my final sem test le. so fast sia, if really passed, i dun nid to study le, go attachment liao le. then after few mths graduate. so excited yet scared.. dunno y.. maybe going to the new environment le ba. but most imptly now is passed my whole final sem test or else say so much oso no use.
omg!! darkness is overcoming me le.. argh.. lolx.. actually is my eyes wanna close liao.. -_-ZzzSlpy le.. nid to slp n get rdy for negotiation test tmr. gtg, bye.
spoke at : 10/21/2004 10:58:00 PM
get well soon
went to c doc just now.. wah lao eh, so many ppl, waited for 45mins sia.. anyway hope i can get well asap cos nx week exam liao. hey frens out there, take care hor, dun get sick.
spoke at : 10/18/2004 10:14:00 AM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
sick n sad
sad sia. coughing like hell now. got sore throat, flu, coughing.. 2 days liao le. wat's nx huh? fever? or go hosp again? gimme a break man. i got so many things haven finish doing yet. very kang koh u noe. now fyp, supervisor still said the proj not gd enuff though my grp was on the rite track. ppl all passed up presented liao leh. y like tat?? my exam how? lab test how? no nid study meh? last friday go mit him then he told us nx tuesday go c him again. 3days only wat can we do?! wah laoz.. mini projs all haven finish oso.. arghhhhhhhhhh.. somebody help me! tink gonna fail some modules. sad.. but i must pass fyp, if not really fail nx sem must find new grp do new proj then is siao liao.
i miss my free time sia.. actually i miss alot of ppl n thing, like my mei cos long time nv c her liao, grace too, alvin, etc, etc.. bz wif so much things then after my operation alot of sport cant do liao. finding my life abit boring now. almost every weekday same routine, doing the same things. then bought 2 vcds last mth, until now oso haven watch yet.. nx week oso very bz. moday must passup network management proj, tuesday lab test, wed lab test, thursday java proj, friday negotiation skill test. so pack..! nv tot yr3 poly life can be so stressed to me. so many things to handle. hope i can finish them on time.
spoke at : 10/16/2004 11:37:00 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.
spoke at : 10/14/2004 01:22:00 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
+_+ bUsY +_+
argh.. finally found some time i blog le. so bz tis whole mth. chiong proj like siao. final yr proj(fyp) finally got some improvements liao. edit until siao man. thx to yiping, at there helping me. i cant do it alone or else will die. n thx to ruixiang aka porky too for his contributions. sorry leh rx, in the end din use yur background. wasted yur 2weeks hard work. i oso feel sorry, din wan to waste it 1. but really will take me alot of time to edit, etc. then cant finish on time le. fyp report oso haven do yet, so continue to chiong. exam ard the corner too. schedule out le. sigh, time passed so fast. lab tests n mini proj deadline all coming very soon. sad sia. hope can finish all w/o fail.
spoke at : 10/13/2004 11:32:00 PM
happy bday!! ~
happy bday 2 u! happy bday 2 u! happy bday 2 chun chong! happy bday 2 u!
spoke at : 10/08/2004 01:22:00 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
bAd HeAdAcHe
din went to sch today in result missed a lab n a tutorial.. sad sia impt lessons i missed them. cos morning just woke up then sudenly got a bad headache, wanna vomit too.. dunno wth happened.. felt cold n kept sweating. sigh, then went back n try to slp. then woke up ard 10+am felt a little better. hope wun get sick, still got alot of things nid me to finish them up..
spoke at : 10/06/2004 03:26:00 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
watever.. etc,etc,etc,etc....
blogged for so long le, din c much comments coming in. it discourages me to write. maybe there isnt much to b comment abt ba or maybe not much ppl reading or i din voice any much out here. or etc, etc, etc, etc..... i nid my bed.. maybe i should said my bed nids me.. haha. tmr still nid to do fyp arhhhhh..!! sibei sianz... sad..
spoke at : 10/02/2004 01:22:00 AM
a story..
A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about 2" in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full? They agreed that it was. So, the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The students laughed. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. "Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this is your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal." "Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." But then... A student then took the jar which the other students and the professor agreed was full, and proceeded to pour in a can of beer. Of course the beer filled the remaining spaces within the jar making the jar truly full. Which proves: - that no matter how full your life is, there is always room for a beer.
taken from engkee's blog.. dun u guys tink tat this story's really very true.. u must noe which is more impt than which. i tink the rocks will b my family, friends, money n my health. pebbles will b like my studies,etc.. dun need to mention sand ba. honestly up till now, i then realised that prioritising is impt. it can help to achieve things in life. but u need to make an effort to do it too. bcos other then the above story, recently i have been reading a bk called 'Last Minutes Study Tips'. hahaz, when ppl heard tis name they'll tend to get curious abt tis bk as if it's a must to read it. actually, its main content is oso prioritise yur things. Do 1st things 1st, prioritise things up. another element is time management. plan yur time properly n make sure tat u follow everything as scheduled. most likely u'll b able to achieve wat u aim for. if u dun, at least u tried n put effort to it....
spoke at : 10/01/2004 11:39:00 PM