Wednesday, March 30, 2005
funan IT show ended
wah, finally.. a break~! chong was working as part timer for my company for the IT show.. not bad leh, he top sales among all part timers.. some more still got other part timer stole 1 of his customers, he still top~! *applause!~!
maybe workin as a permanent part timer in D.A.. but i tink i nid a rest b4 working there after my attachment. tmr most probably going to tell sandy tat i nid a rest 1st.. hehe.. purposely 1 oso.. they not enuff manpower. must let her value me.. kekekex.. i so bian tai.. =x
just now went to watch "jian gui shi" wif her (esther), john n eng leong.. give tat show a 6/10 lor.. soso nia.. but the jokes quite funny, abit lame oso.. free then u guys go watch lor, not free rite u guys can pass it la..
spoke at : 3/30/2005 12:30:00 AM
You Are 50% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
spoke at : 3/24/2005 11:44:00 PM
You Are A Good Friend |

You're always willing to listen
Or lend a shoulder to cry on
You're there through thick and thin
Many people consider you their "best friend"! |
spoke at : 3/24/2005 11:41:00 PM
a very boring boring boring boring day
yoooo.. 2day not gd not bad mood... normal wif abit of sianness.. shop damn quiet.. sold 1 laptop nia.. by rite is 3 latops 1.. got a knnbcb customer i ask her come back to buy from me, she said ok.. in the end buy same products from other shops. i still told her wait for 2days got promotion.. got free gifts, i can give a really attractive price. she din even come n look for me.. still ask me for my card for fuck? waste my company name card.. if not 2day confirm hit target 1 then every body in company got xtra 25bucks.. wah lan eh..
cooked chrysanthemum tea today.. bought some to work for her to drink.. she said it's nice to drink.. hehex.. then she jia ban 2day.. until same time dismissed from work as me. but i went off 1st.. then she went out wif el, john to eat noodles..
hopefully tmr can hit target, then end of road show hit the overall target n get additional 100 bucks each for every 1 ~~~!! guanyin bless me! hahahaz..
spoke at : 3/24/2005 11:18:00 PM
everything.... everything's going to end in a few weeks time.. *sigh.. so fast.. or should i say too fast.. then army le.... argh...... so sianz so sianz................
24/3/05 another road show coming le.. anybody wanna buy projectors, desktop pc, laptops, computing accessories?? come down to FUNAN IT MALL n take a look man... mai tu liaoz.. lolx.. look for JACKSON.. ask for JACKSON.. gladly to be at your service if ya interested in buying.. living quite happy tis few days.. recently relationship wif her can say got improve la.. better than last time le. but then now like stuck there liaoz. i tink tat females r hard to understand leh.. i dunno wat should i do now even though she single liaoz. tis few week had been long winned oso.. dunno y.. i can feel it man, ppl dun really like toking to me.. must change sia.. oso feel like giving up on her liao.. i just tink tat i myself cannot make it already leh.. comes to tis kinda of things (going after sum1) always fail 1.. maybe its real tat im really a boring guy like some of my frens said.. n sometimes i really do wondered tat do females really take note of little thoughful things tat guys did.. u noe wat, i tink some does.. bu..t most dun lorz.. from my point of view i tink tat maybe they r looking mainly on xin ge, rather the guy is interesting or not, etc.. dunno la, tink liao very fan.. btw who wanna b wif some1 very boring.. nobody lor! *sigh *sigh *sigh *sigh *sigh ^^
spoke at : 3/20/2005 11:58:00 PM
booooooooogy man!!!!
ytd just watched boogyman wif adele, eng leong n her.. lol, so exciting.. i was abit scared then i covered my face.. but in the end the boogyman came out tat time i not scared liao.. nb so fake 1.. computered animated.. lol.. i tot its very scary.. gave it a 7/10 ba cos some part i abit dun understand.
The story tells the haunting tale of a young man traumatized by memories of terrible events he experienced in his childhood bedroom and who, years later, reluctantly returns home to face his fears of a monstrous entity that could be real or merely a figment of his imagination. Starring : Barry Watson, Emily Deschanel, Skye McCole Bartusiak, Lucy Lawless, Philip Gordon.then b4 watching movie, went to eat wif my colleagues.. actually ytd i off 1 but too sian liao.. so went to funan lor.. lolx.. reached home ard 12am.. tis few days quite late go home sia.. heng parents nv really nagged at me.. then tis morning alot of my colleague took mc sia including her.. bad weather ba alot of ppl sick recently.. i just recovered few weeks ago.. hahaz... tk care ppl!!drink more water pls.... cya......
spoke at : 3/18/2005 11:33:00 AM
suntec show ended..
road show just ended.. another 1 is coming.. its at funan tis time.. 24th of match.. pls come n take a look ya? tat time after last day of suntec road show.. went to eat wif company at bugis.. then after tat share cab wif crystal n her. sort of "song" her home la. i asked taxi uncle to go hougang 1st mah then ubi. who noes when reached there, she actually lived quite near yip's house.. hahaz. now roughly got an idea where she lived.. felt glad n went home happily n slp.. lol.. nx day leh at nite went to watch movie wif my colleagues n her.. stupid show "in gd company".. 6/10 la i gave. but i c dunno wat rating give 4stars leh. gtg now.. chat wif ppl .. heheheheehx.. bye.
spoke at : 3/17/2005 12:40:00 AM
suntec got IT show
tis few days got road show so abit bz.. din blog.. but quite happy la.. 11/3 went to eat breakfast wif her n anther colleague, eng leong. felt quite happy la cos she jio me 1. hehe. then tink awhile i decided to go. went to eat noodles.. then go work le.
then 2day saw wee yong, darren n yuwen.. so qiao.. hmm.. then chatted abit then they went off le.. gtg now.. will blog again..
spoke at : 3/13/2005 12:01:00 AM
no topic..
i finally asked her le.. but is thru msn.. y? number 1, i m timid. number 2, john interfered.. suddenly pop out of no where..
i feel abit sad but abit happy n oso better too.. cos i said wat i hav to say, asked wat i hav to ask.. regardless whether do i stand a chance or not.. i just wanna say tat she is a very cool n nice ger.. dun wanna say much oso la.. i tink drank abit of beer tonite actually.. abit only.. cos she said its bad for liver..
tmr off day.. wat should i do..
spoke at : 3/07/2005 01:31:00 AM
went to watch "hitch" wif ber today.. so wierd sia, alot of couples watching. lol, skarli they mistook us as gay.. haha, i wonder.. then bought 1 shirt 2day, sick of wearing polo T.. maybe 1 of tis days gonna go down to queensway shopping centre le.. then after tat met chong to pass him some cds, then went bugis walkwalk n went home..
In the sophisticated romantic comedy Last First Kiss, Will Smith stars as Alex “Hitch” Hitchens. As a tactical adviser who specializes in first impressions – he customizes and orchestrates a client’s first three dates –Hitch has been secretly responsible for hundreds of New York City weddings. Eva Mendes co-stars as Sara, a gossip reporter for a daily tabloid who, after a chance meeting with Hitch, finds her professional life and personal life on a collision course. She makes Hitch re-evaluate his game and teaches him that love is not a feeling, it’s an action.
Starring : Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James
tis movie is nice! 8/10~
spoke at : 3/04/2005 11:35:00 PM
tis few days quite sian.. at infocus.. sell projector.. *sigh.. today leh sold 1 adapter only wah kao.. jia liat rite? no mood to chop tat guy oso.. y no mood? lemme tell u.. 1st time i ask esther whether she watched hide n seek already. she replied tat she watched already.. kk nvm.. nx day i asked her wat abt white noise? just nice she watching it tat day.. kk oso nvm. 3rd time which was today.. hitch just showing in cinemas only since ytd.. then i sms her, wanna watch hitch tog? she said she watched already... sian 1/2..... 3times! 3 times!
then ytd she ask me find a song for her.. then today i found it liao. inform her just now then chat awhile.. now just waiting for her to online n then send to her.. waiting..
spoke at : 3/03/2005 10:31:00 PM