Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Day!
29th Feb is a very special day that comes every 4 years.. so amazing.. actually i just realised this morning when i was watching the news.. it's an interview about a girl celebrating her birthday once every 4 years.. hope today will be a special day for all of us.. for those having exams soon, work hard... like me. LoLx.. Happy Leap Day everybody!kAkA.hUnTeR
If the economy is lousy, don't wait for it to change. Look for something else.
spoke at : 2/29/2008 11:15:00 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The 5 Most Feared Figures In Finance
Every Halloween there is no shortage of children dressed up as vampires, werewolves and witches. If, however, a child truly wanted to inspire horror in the adults handing out the sweet candy treats, he or she would be better to put on a suit, tie and wing-tipped shoes, and threaten to topple the market. In this article, we'll take a look at the frightening financial figures that caused terror on Wall Street.
No. 5 - Bill GatesBill Gates is best known for being one of the richest men on the planet and the founder of tech company giant, Microsoft. The thing that helped him and his company establish a near-perfect dominance over the market was not a superior level of technology, but Gates' business acumen and cutthroat competitiveness. When Microsoft exploded onto the scene with MS-DOS, Excel, Word and then Windows, many investors wondered why the profits weren't being paid out in juicy dividends. It soon became apparent that Bill Gates was building a war chest of unbelievable size.Investors who would usually try to sway the board of directors to disperse the profits were unusually silent as Bill Gates plotted a course for Microsoft that would make it one of the largest companies in the world. Microsoft now has billions of dollars held in reserve that can be used as a weapon or a shield, depending on what the situation calls for. Whether it is facing down anti-trust lawsuits or carving out new markets for his company, Bill Gates and his 800-pound gorilla are very intimidating. No. 4 - George SorosGeorge Soros has been described as a pirate and is despised in locations as various as Thailand, Britain and Malaysia. This famous currency speculator has made a fortune breaking currencies. In breaking the Bank of England, Soros became a figure to be feared by countries trying to protect fragile currencies. Soros is far from a numbers-only speculator. He looks in-depth at a country and tries to spot errors in valuation; political policies in particular draw his interest. Active in philanthropy focused on bringing about political change, Soros also uses his currency positions to "punish" countries whose policies are ignored in favor of positive economic data by most speculators. By pressuring these governments financially, Soros can force political changes that might never come about otherwise. Governments may fear him, but the citizens of these countries may ultimately thank him. (Though feared on Wall Street, charities and nonprofits adored both Soros and Gates. Find out more about their giving in The Christmas Saints Of Wall Street.)No. 3 - Carl IcahnCarl Icahn is a one-time raider who can be credited with prompting more Securities and Exchanges Commission regulation than any other individual.Icahn was the creator of greenmailing and one of the primary reasons that disclosure rules are so strict once stock holdings creep to the level of a toehold purchase. Icahn did everything from stripping assets and forcing stock buybacks, to personally dressing down CEOs and board members.Now, hemmed out of raiding by the SEC, Icahn buys controlling or even minority interests in companies that he considers to be undervalued. He then outlines his plan for creating value - ranging from spinning off profitable units, buying back stock, or simply cutting down excess overhead costs - and threatens a proxy war if his "advice" is not followed. With his reputation, a company may even see a jump in price just by calling down the wrath of Icahn on its slumping stock. Carl Icahn works to create value for the shareholders now, rather than stealing it from them, but a meeting with Icahn is still enough to give underperforming and overpaid CEOs the shakes.No. 2 - John D. RockefellerJohn D. Rockefeller may be the most terrifying figure in finance. He was the richest man in the world and still ranks as the richest man in modern history. His company, Standard Oil, controlled 90% of the American oil industry and was infamous for forcing competitors to bankruptcy and then buying their assets from their creditors. But the thing that made him truly terrifying was his absolute belief in what he was doing. Rockefeller saw cutthroat competition as a ruinous practice that benefited the consumers much less than it ultimately hurt business. Rockefeller saw greater profits and greater benefits could be achieved by the practice of "combination", now called "economies of scale". (Keep reading on this subject in What Are Economies Of Scale?)Rockefeller is remembered for his hard ball practices of using the immense wealth of Standard Oil to cause train and barrel shortages that ruined his competitors and forced them to come to his side, but he should also be remembered for emphasizing research and development, reducing harmful waste and passing savings onto consumers. There is no doubt that his driving sense of purpose and the means he employed to achieve his ends were not all good, but there is as much to admire about Rockefeller as there is to fear. (To read more about Rockefeller and Standard Oil, see Antitrust Defined.) FREE REPORT: The Five Things That Move the Currency Market Year after year, key players in the Forex market make a killing by picking the right currencies – now it’s your turn. Access industry gurus Boris and Kathy’s exclusive FREE report, The Five Things That Move the Currency Market – And How to Profit From Them, right now! No. 1 - J.P. MorganJ.P. Morgan was a wealthy man, but not near the scale of a Rockefeller or even a Gates. What J.P. Morgan had more of than any other person on this list was pure power. During his lifetime it was said that God owned men's souls and J.P. Morgan owned the rest. The power that Morgan wielded owes as much to timing as to his personal attributes. Morgan was the primary banker for Wall Street, underwriting companies like General Electric and International Harvester at time when the American economy was getting ready to explode. At the time, a bank's reputation decided whether an issue would sell rather than the strength of the company's financials, and Morgan's reputation was gold. The moment when Morgan was at his most powerful and terrifying, however, came during the Bank Panic of 1907. Morgan personally gathered all the financial and political movers at his mansion and forced them into locked-door negotiations to resolve the crises. The idea that the entire American economy relied on one aging banker to keep it afloat scared the government so badly that the Federal Reserve Bank was created to prevent a similar situation in the future.ConclusionThe word terrifying is apt for these men. The names Gates, Soros, Icahn, Rockefeller and Morgan all embody enough power (financial, mental and political), to inspire awe, respect and, consequently, fear. It is unlikely that they will ever inspire their own costume line, but they will forever cause chills down the spines of bankers, investors and financial figures alike.
By Andrew Beattie
spoke at : 2/27/2008 10:23:00 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A day alone at Starbucks...
Finally i finished my class test 2. Think i did pretty well.. but not... very well.. My friends were all busying copying most of my answers.. *Omg.. Anyway, nothing beats a good big cup of hot coffee to again... warm my soul.. and a small box of chocolates as a little reward for myself.. I am so happy.. hehhehehe..
Life is full of UPs and DOWNs.
spoke at : 2/23/2008 01:17:00 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
真三国无双 online song!!
无双作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦苔藓绿了木屋 路深处 翠落的孟宗竹乱石堆上有雾 这种隐居叫做江湖箭矢漫天飞舞 竟然在城墙上遮蔽了日出 是谁 在哭冲 你懂 你懂 你匆匆 有多少的蛮力就拉多少的弓听我说武功 无法高过寺院的钟 禅定的风 静如水的松我命格无双 一统江山 狂胜之中 我却黯然语带悲伤我一路安营扎下蓬 青铜刀锋 不轻易用 苍生为重我命格无双 一统江山 破城之后 我却微笑绝不恋战我等待异族望天空 歃血为盟 我等效忠 浴火为龙残缺的老茶壶 几里外 马蹄上的尘土升狼烟的城池 这种世道叫做乱世那历史已模糊 刀上的锈却出土的很清楚 是我 在哭序 你去 你去 你继续 我敲木鱼 开始冥想这场战役我攻城掠地 想冷血 你需要勇气 挥剑离去 我削铁如泥 你去 你再去 你继续不敌我致命的一击 远方的横笛 吹奏你战败的消息保持着杀气 想赢的情绪 让我君临天下的驾驭我命格无双 一统江山 狂胜之中 我却黯然语带悲伤我一路安营扎下蓬 青铜刀锋 不轻易用 苍生为重我命格无双 一统江山 破城之后 我却微笑绝不恋战我等待异族望天空 歃血为盟我等效忠 浴火为龙命格无双 一统江山 狂胜之中 我却黯然语带悲伤我命格无双 一统江山 破城之后 我却微笑绝不恋战我等待异族望天空 歃血为盟 我等效忠 浴火为龙
spoke at : 2/11/2008 11:40:00 PM
Monday, February 04, 2008
The Outing slightly before X'mas
Had been so long since we all met....
Sorry abit busy.. so have not been updating.. lolx.. as you can see its a 2 months ago photo.kAkA.hUnTeR
All has been well.
spoke at : 2/04/2008 01:34:00 PM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Freedom to choose..
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."Henry David ThoreaukAkA.hUnTeR
Personal Development.
spoke at : 2/02/2008 12:59:00 AM