Let Your Reach Exceed Your Grasp
A professor of economics gave a test to his class. The test had several sections of questions, each of which contained three categories of questions. He instructed the students to choose one question from each section on the test. The first category in each section was the hardest and was worth 50 marks. The second category in each section was not quite as hard and worth 40 marks. The third category in each section was the easiest and worth only 30 marks.
When the students had taken the test and all the papers had been turned in, the students who had chosen the 50-mark questions were give A’s. The students who had chosen the 40-mark questions were give B’s, and the students choosing the 30-mark questions were given C’s. Whether or not their answers were correct was not considered. Understandably, the students were confused and asked the professor how he had graded the exam. The professor leaned back and with a smile explained, “I wasn’t testing your knowledge. I was testing your aim.”kAkA.hUnTeR
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die then life is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
spoke at : 6/30/2008 09:54:00 AM
Exam Results are Out!!
Yes!! I passed my C++, 61/100. I am sooooo damn happy because i finally broke the 50 to 59 margin..!! LoLx..kAkA.hUnTeR
There is no failure, only feedback.
spoke at : 6/29/2008 01:11:00 AM
The Keys to Your Life
The Keys to Your Life
 Anything good in your life comes from your vision and clarity.
You're able to see above all the small things in life and wisely understand the big picture.
Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.
Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty. |
spoke at : 6/29/2008 01:09:00 AM
Change Can Be Good for You
In today’s word of societal and corporate change, job security is a thing of the past. While we must face the fact that change is inevitable, we should also realize that many changes are positive and benefit both individuals and businesses.
Some things you can change and some you can’t. You cannot change when you were born, where you were born, how you were born, or to whom you were born. It is a fact that if you were born white you will stay white and if you were born black you will remain black. It is a fact that you cannot change a single event that has already happened. You can’t change one whisper of yesterday. Tomorrow, however, is an entirely different matter. If you are willing to change your thinking today, you can change your life and your living to make your tomorrows better and brighter.Analyze your situation. Have you gone as far as you can go and are you doing as well as you can with present procedures? If so, don’t be afraid to take two steps back if it will enable you to move three steps forward.kAkA.hUnTeR
Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others.
spoke at : 6/26/2008 01:08:00 PM
Do People Like You?
People Like You... Sometimes
 You are liked, but only when people are able to overlook your faults.
Deep down, you are a good person, but you definitely have some obnoxious tendencies.
So step back, and try to figure out when people aren't responding to you positively.
A few simple changes could make you a lot better liked!
What People Don't Like About You:
People don't like that you forget them easily. No one wants to be friends with someone who doesn't remember their name!
People don't like that you put others down and like to gossip. They are worried that you also gossip about them!
People don't like that you can't defend your values and beliefs. You seem unreasonably stubborn.
What People Like About You:
People like that you take responsibility for your actions and admit your mistakes. They appreciate your maturity.
People like that you give them complements. You make people feel good about themselves!
People like your self deprecating sense of humor and that you don't take yourself too seriously. |
spoke at : 6/26/2008 01:53:00 AM
Fixing Problems
Can you remember a day when you did not have some problems, irritation, disappointment, defeat or setback of some kind? It might be having to make an unexpected stop at the gas station because your brother drove your car and neglected to refill it. Or maybe your boss gave you incomplete information on an important project and now you have to start all over.
The big issue is not the problems; they are part of life. The issue is how to handle the problems. Do you let a simple problem dictate how you should behave the rest of the day, even the way you deal with other people? Sometimes, it is hard to do, but ask yourself the question, ‘What real difference does this make in my life tonight, or even in the morning?’ In most cases you will realize that it really doesn’t matter. With that in mind, you will be able to forget the problem of the moment and move on.
You can take control of your own thoughts, actions, and emotions, which means you can take control of your life. The best way to deal with problems is to reorder your thinking and see them as opportunities to grow or mature. It also helps to remember that if there were no problems in your job, chances are good you would not be needed. Chances are also good that the greater the difficulties, the greater the need for you to be there to handle them. That is the reason you are on the payroll.kAkA.hUnTeR
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
spoke at : 6/21/2008 01:18:00 PM
How Does Your Mood Rate?
Your Mood is a 2
 Ugh, you're feeling pretty bad right now. You're definitely in a funk. |
spoke at : 6/20/2008 12:49:00 AM
Sometimes I feel like giving up..
There is no failure for the man who realizes his power, who never knows where he is beaten; there is no failure for the determined endeavor; the unconquerable will. There is no failure for the man who gets up every time he falls, who rebounds like a rubber ball, who persists when everyone else gives up, who pushes on when everyone else turns back.kAkA.hUnTeR
I am rusted and weathered, barely holding together.
spoke at : 6/20/2008 12:46:00 AM
If we live our lives one day at a time, and if we do the best we can each day, we are making the best preparation for tomorrow. After all, today is the tomorrow of yesterday that we were going to do so much with. Do "so much" every day, and all your tomorrows will be better.kAkA.hUnTeR
When you are left with no choices, there is always a choice of attitude.
spoke at : 6/19/2008 01:19:00 PM
Are You Good With Money?
You Are Great With Money
 You know the value of a dollar - and you save and spend wisely.
By living below your means, you've set yourself up for a rich future.
And while it may hurt to sacrifice now, you'll probably have plenty of money later on.
You're on your way to riches - just keep it up. |
spoke at : 6/18/2008 05:54:00 PM
Astronomers find batch of "super-Earths"
spoke at : 6/18/2008 05:52:00 PM
Why You Are Where You Are..
You are not the product of a broken home, a devastated economy, a world in the upheaval of war, a minority group, a family of drunkards, or a poverty-ridden neighborhood. You are the product of your own thinking processes and whatever you are thinking about today is the cornerstone of your tomorrow.If someone else has abused you in the past, it's okay to give them credit for fouling up your past, but do not give them permission to ruin your present and your future. Take control of your thoughts and your futue. Determine that you will have a better tomorrow.kAkA.hUnTeR
What you do is who you are.
spoke at : 6/17/2008 09:43:00 PM
You Are What You Think About
The above heading has been kicked around for a long time. One enthusiastic young man said he knew it was not true because if he was what he thought about, he will be a girl. There is a great deal of truth in that statement, and it leaves us with the question: What influences our thinking?
I believe that what goes into our minds and the people we associate with influence our thinking. Our thinking influences our actions. Our actions influence our performance. Our performance plays a major role in how successful and happy our future will be.
Have you ever gone to a movie and laughed? Have you ever gone to a movie and cried? Do you really think they put something in the seats that caused you to either laugh or cry? Naturally, you know it better. It was what you saw on the screen that made you react with laughter or tears.
The question is, if input can make us laugh or cry, can it also make us helpful or hurtful to others? So be careful about what you feed your mind because it is going to affect your actions – which will affect your future.kAkA.hUnTeR
There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake.
spoke at : 6/17/2008 01:07:00 AM
What does your birth date mean for your love life?
Your Birthdate: September 11 |
 You may watch someone from afar before you finally decide to make your move.
It takes a long time for you to develop an attraction to someone.
Generally, you prefer to pick who you love. Anyone who tries to rush you is in for some heartache.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1
You are most compatible with people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of the month. |
spoke at : 6/16/2008 11:30:00 PM
How Rare is Your Personality?
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)
 Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.
Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
spoke at : 6/16/2008 11:30:00 AM
Let it never be forgotten that glamour is not greatness; applause is not fame; prominence is not eminence. The man of the hour is not apt to be the man of the ages. A stone may sparkle, but that does not make it a diamond; people may have money, but that does not make them a success. It is what the unimportant people do that really counts and determines the course of history. The greatest forces in the universe are never spectacular. Summer showers are more effective than hurricanes, but they get no publicity. The world would soon die but for the fidelity, loyalty and consecration of those whose names were not honored and unsung.kAkA.hUnTeR
True courage is a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger and a mental willingness to endure it.
spoke at : 6/16/2008 11:16:00 AM
Your Love Life Secrets Revealed
Your Love Life Secrets Are
 Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.
You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.
You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.
In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm.
Break-ups can be painful for you, but you never show it. You hold your head high. |
spoke at : 6/14/2008 10:31:00 AM
My Corn Pudding
I did this dessert 2 days ago at night and left it inside my refrigerator.. Quite nice and I like it a lot. It's like a corn pudding though it isn't. But i shall call it a corn pudding.. I can't wait to taste it so i took a bite.. Hehehehehehe.. Last night i cooked this same dessert again but without sweet corn and did some modification. Hopefully it's not a failure. We shall know in 2 days time. Muhahaha..Anyway, the whole process of making this "corn pudding" only takes 45 minutes or lesser. Wanna try? Come my house.. LoLx..I want to express thanks to that cook book.. haha.. luckily i bought it.. It's so easy....kAkA.hUnTeR
Experience is knowing a lot of things you shouldn't do.
spoke at : 6/14/2008 10:13:00 AM
The Power of Courage
People have studied many different styles of marital arts and have learned many lessons from all the martial arts training. But this one is perhaps the most important lesson of them all: The goal of marital arts is to become a master of combat skills – and never to use them. This means that you are always physically and mentally able to defend yourself and those around you but that you only use your skills when you have no other choice. It is being prepared that gives you the confidence to go out into the world knowing that you have what it takes to face the unknowns of life.
Once adversity strikes, it is too late to prepare yourself. That is why many people fall apart. They don’t expect to fail or to face difficulties. When they do, they have no psychological reserves. So they quit. And when they do, they set up a habit of quitting. Being prepared means that you don’t have to quit when you run into problems. You will have the physical and mental reserves you need to get you through.
It is comforting to know that you are prepared. It keeps you grounded in your life and assures you of strong footing on every path you choose. You don’t need to flaunt your abilities; it is enough just to know that you have them. It will give you the ability to respond appropriately to any situation and to cope with any hardship. That in itself is a triumph over evil.Does this mean that everyone should become a martial arts master? Of course not. It means that you should do at least one thing every day to increase your preparedness. Exercise to keep your body prepared. Take some time for yourself to renew your spiritual side, whether it is in silent contemplation, meditation or prayer. Learn something new every day to keep your mental abilities sharp. All of these tasks enable you to stand strong on the foundation of courage should the need arise.kAkA.hUnTeR
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
spoke at : 6/13/2008 07:46:00 PM
Do You Have a Type A Personality?
You Have A Type A- Personality
 You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds. |
spoke at : 6/13/2008 01:44:00 AM
Handbook For Stock Investors
Handbook For Stock Investors is indispensable handbook that provides both new and small investors with essential knowledge and strategies required for stock investment. Besides learning the basics of trading stocks, you will also learn how to use technical analysis to improve your investment timing. Other skills that you will pick up include techniques for stock selection as well as tactics to lower investment risk and increase profits.Some topics that are covered:- How to buy and sell shares- When to buy and sell through technical analysis- What to look for when picking stocks- How to read annual reports
If you are a beginner and really want to know more about stocks investing, this book will be suitable for you as a starter.kAkA.hUnTeR
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
spoke at : 6/12/2008 04:10:00 PM
Inside the Ring of Fire..
“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.”
AristotleGreek Philosoper
Until you know value, everything is worthless.
spoke at : 6/11/2008 04:18:00 PM
Do You Worry Too Much?
Your Worry Factor is 56%

While you're not a worrywart, you worry more than you should.
Maybe you don't have enough to keep your mind occupied at times...
Or perhaps you've trapped yourself into some bad thinking patterns.
Try to worry less and enjoy life more. There's no point thinking about things you can't change!
spoke at : 6/11/2008 04:16:00 PM
What is Courage?
There are many definitions of courage. They have to do with mental and moral strength to resist or hardship – firmness of mind and will in the face of extreme difficulty – and the capacity to meet adversity with fortitude and resilience. My favorite definition of courage is “readiness to deal with things fearlessly by reason of stouthearted temperament or a resolute spirit.”
Courage does not mean facing danger without thinking. It does not mean that you go out looking for danger. It does mean that when faced with a dangerous situation, you act with reason. You consider the risks. You do what must be done for your protection and survival and for the protection and survival of others.
It doesn’t take saving a life to be a hero, or to prove you have courage. Courage comes in many shapes and sizes. For some, courage takes the form of facing physical danger. For many people, courage is what makes it possible to go after those things that seem impossible to achieve.
Humorist Erma Bombeck once wrote, “There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, ‘Yes, I’ve got dreams, of course I’ve got dreams.’ Then they put the box away and bring it out once in a while to look in it. And yep, they are still there. These are great dreams but they never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, ‘How good’ or ‘How bad am I?’ That is where courage comes in.”
Courage is not necessarily found in one great heroic act but is more often embedded in the day-to-day actions that come from the heart.kAkA.hUnTeR
Money doesn't bring happiness, though it has been known to cause an occasional smile.
spoke at : 6/10/2008 12:22:00 AM
My thoughts
Sometimes I wonder if I am at the right direction of life right now.. I seriously do not want to implicate any people with my own failures and problems anymore again. It's so stressful and depressing. I really hated this feeling that i let my family down.Am I selfish? I am still staying on this current direction. I want to take the risk again but this time... all by myself even if I fail again. I just want to make it in life so as to repay my parents for what they have given me up till now.This might sound ridiculous but I seriously want to make it in life to repay all my debts.. and only a fool would believe.kAkA.hUnTeR
I rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed than a cause that will ultimately fail.
spoke at : 6/05/2008 11:07:00 PM
One Soul in All
"Nothing is more important than to respect other people as you respect yourself and treat others as you would like to be treated."ConfuciusChinese wise mankAkA.hUnTeR
To be a better man.
spoke at : 6/05/2008 10:35:00 PM
Levels of Consciousness
In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. It’s an interesting paradigm. If you read the book, it’s also fairly easy to figure out where you fall on this hierarchy based on your current life situation.
From low to high, the levels of consciousness are: shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment.
While we can pop in and out of different levels at various times, usually there’s a predominant “normal” state for us. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re at least at the level of courage because if you were at a lower level, you’d likely have no conscious interest in personal growth.
I’ll go over these levels in order, mostly focusing on the ones between courage and reason, since that’s the range where you’re most likely to land. The labels are Hawkins’. The descriptions of each level are based on Hawkins’ descriptions but blended with my own thoughts. Hawkins defines this as a logarithmic scale, so there are far fewer people at the higher levels than at the lower ones. An increase from one level to another will result in enormous change in your life.
Shame - Just a step above death. You’re probably contemplating suicide at this level. Either that or you’re a serial killer. Think of this as self-directed hatred.
Guilt - A step above shame, but you still may be having thoughts of suicide. You think of yourself as a sinner, unable to forgive yourself for past transgressions.
Apathy - Feeling hopeless or victimized. The state of learned helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck here.
Grief - A state of perpetual sadness and loss. You might drop down here after losing a loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, since you’re beginning to escape the numbness.
Fear - Seeing the world as dangerous and unsafe. Paranoia. Usually you’ll need help to rise above this level, or you’ll remain trapped for a long time, such as in an abusive relationship.
Desire - Not to be confused with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of addiction, craving, and lust — for money, approval, power, fame, etc. Consumerism. Materialism. This is the level of smoking and drinking and doing drugs.
Anger - the level of frustration, often from not having your desires met at the lower level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or it can keep you stuck in hatred. In an abusive relationship, you’ll often see an anger person coupled with a fear person.
Pride - The first level where you start to feel good, but it’s a false feeling. It’s dependent on external circumstances (money, prestige, etc), so it’s vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism, and religious wars. Think Nazis. A state of irrational denial and defensiveness. Religious fundamentalism is also stuck at this level. You become so closely enmeshed in your beliefs that you see an attack on your beliefs as an attack on you.
Courage - The first level of true strength. This is where you start to see life as challenging and exciting instead of overwhelming. You begin to have an inkling of interest in personal growth, although at this level you’ll probably call it something else like skill-building, career advancement, education, etc. You start to see your future as an improvement upon your past, rather than a continuation of the same.
Neutrality - This level is epitomized by the phrase, “live and let live.” It’s flexible, relaxed, and unattached. Whatever happens, you roll with the punches. You don’t have anything to prove. You feel safe and get along well with other people. A lot of self-employed people are at this level. A very comfortable place. The level of complacency and laziness. You’re taking care of your needs, but you don’t push yourself too hard.
Willingness - Now that you’re basically safe and comfortable, you start using your energy more effectively. Just getting by isn’t good enough anymore. You begin caring about doing a good job — perhaps even your best. You think about time management and productivity and getting organized, things that weren’t so important to you at the level of neutrality. Think of this level as the development of willpower and self-discipline. These people are the “troopers” of society; they get things done well and don’t complain much. If you’re in school, then you’re a really good student; you take your studies seriously and put in the time to do a good job. This is the point where your consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.
Acceptance - Now a powerful shift happens, and you awaken to the possibilities of living proactively. At the level of willingness you’ve become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use. This is the level of setting and achieving goals. I don’t like the label “acceptance” that Hawkins uses here, but it basically means that you begin accepting responsibility for your role in the world. If something isn’t right about your life (your career, your health, your relationship), you define your desired outcome and change it. You start to see the big picture of your life more clearly. This level drives many people to switch careers, start a new business, or change their diets.
Reason - At this level you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. Hawkins defines this as the level of medicine and science. The way I see it, when you reach this level, you become capable of using your reasoning abilities to their fullest extent. You now have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit your natural abilities. You’ve reached the point where you say, “Wow. I can do all this stuff, and I know I must put it to good use. So what’s the best use of my talents?” You take a look around the world and start making meaningful contributions. At the very high end, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. It’s probably obvious that most people never reach this level in their entire lives.
Love - I don’t like Hawkins’ label “love” here because this isn’t the emotion of love. It’s unconditional love, a permanent understanding of your connectedness with all that exists. Think compassion. At the level of reason, you live in service to your head. But that eventually becomes a dead end where you fall into the trap of over-intellectualizing. You see that you need a bigger context than just thinking for its own sake. At the level of love, you now place your head and all your other talents and abilities in service to your heart (not your emotions, but your greater sense of right and wrong — your conscience). I see this as the level of awakening to your true purpose. Your motives at this level are pure and uncorrupted by the desires of the ego. This is the level of lifetime service to humanity. Think Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer. At this level you also begin to be guided by a force greater than yourself. It’s a feeling of letting go. Your intuition becomes extremely strong. Hawkins claims this level is reached only by 1 in 250 people during their entire lifetimes.
Joy - A state of pervasive, unshakable happiness. Eckhart Tolle describes this state in The Power of Now. The level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers. Just being around people at this level makes you feel incredible. At this level life is fully guided by synchronicity and intuition. There’s no more need to set goals and make detailed plans — the expansion of your consciousness allows you to operate at a much higher level. A near-death experience can temporarily bump you to this level.
Peace - Total transcendence. Hawkins claims this level is reached only by one person in 10 million.
Enlightenment - The highest level of human consciousness, where humanity blends with divinity. Extremely rare. The level of Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus. Even just thinking about people at this level can raise your consciousness.
I think you’ll find this model worthy of reflection. Not only people but also objects, events, and whole societies can be ranked at these levels. Within your own life, you’ll see that some parts of your life are at different levels than others, but you should be able to identify your current overall level. You might be at the level of neutrality overall but still be addicted to smoking (level of desire). The lower levels you find within yourself will serve as a drag that holds the rest of you back. But you’ll also find higher levels in your life. You may be at the level of acceptance and read a book at the level of reason and feel really inspired. Think about the strongest influences in your life right now. Which ones raise your consciousness? Which ones lower it?
One thing I like about these levels of consciousness is that I can trace back over my own life and see how I’ve been moving through them.
Everything in your environment will have an effect on your level of consciousness. TV. Movies. Books. Web sites. People. Places. Objects. Food. If you’re at the level of reason, watching TV news (which is predominantly at the levels of fear and desire) will temporarily lower your consciousness. If you’re at the level of guilt, TV news will actually raise it up.
Progressing from one level to the next requires an enormous amount of energy. Without conscious effort or the help of others, you’ll likely just stay at your current level until some outside force comes into your life.
Notice the natural progression of levels, and consider what happens when you try to short-cut the process. If you try to reach the level of reason before mastering self-discipline (willingness) and goal-setting (acceptance), you’ll be too disorganized and unfocused to use your mind to its full extent. If you try to push yourself to the level of love before you’ve mastered reason, you’ll suffer from gullibility and may end up in a cult.
Going up even one level can be extremely hard; most people don’t do so in their entire lives. A change in just one level can radically alter everything in your life. This is why people below the level of courage aren’t likely to progress without external help. Courage is required to work on this consciously; it comes down to repeatedly betting your whole reality for the chance to become more conscious and aware. But whenever you reach that next level, you realize clearly that it was a good bet. For example, when you hit the level of courage, all your past fears and false pride seem silly to you now. When you reach the level of acceptance (setting and achieving goals), you look back on the level of willingness and see you were like a mouse running on a treadmill — you were a good runner, but you didn’t pick a direction.
I think the most important work we can do as human beings is to raise our individual level of consciousness. When we do this, we spread higher levels of consciousness to everyone around us. Imagine what an incredible world this would be if we could at least get everyone to the level of acceptance. According to Hawkins 85% of the people on earth live below the level of courage.
When you temporarily experience the higher levels, you can see where you must go next. You have one of those moments of clarity where you understand that things have to change. But when you sink into the lower levels, that memory becomes clouded.
We have to keep consciously taking ourselves back to the sources that can help us complete the next leap. Each step requires different solutions. I recall when making the shift from neutrality to willingness, I listened to time management tapes almost every day. I immersed myself in sources created by people at the level of willingness until I eventually shifted. But a book on time management will be of little use to someone who’s at the level of pride; they’ll reject the very notion with a lot of defensiveness. And time management is meaningless to someone at the level of peace. But you can’t hit the higher levels if you haven’t mastered the basics first. Jesus was a carpenter. Gandhi was a lawyer. Buddha was a prince. We all have to start somewhere.
Look at this hierarchy with an open mind and see if it leads you to new insights that may help you take the next leap in your own life. No levels are any more right or wrong than others. Try not to get your ego wrapped up in the idea of being at any particular level, unless you’re currently at the level of pride of course.
I will not be denied!
spoke at : 6/03/2008 11:59:00 PM
How Much Wrath Do You Have?
Your Wrath Quotient: 24%
 Sometimes you get really angry, but nothing out of the norm.
While you may wish someone harm, it's pretty unlikely that you'd actually do anything about it. |
spoke at : 6/03/2008 11:56:00 PM
A new month..
Finally its 12am++.. we stepped into a new month again.. Time really flies, tomorrow is my examination.. I really mugged hard this time round as it is my last subject and my last semester for year 2. Wish me luck people!!kAkA.hUnTeR
What you have tomorrow depends on what you do today.
spoke at : 6/01/2008 12:18:00 AM