Making a Difference..
Success means figuring out who you are, not who other people think you are or who you think you should be. It is being able to say, ‘This is what I am. It may not be enough for some, but it is enough for me to be able to make a difference.’ Think about the power one person has to make a difference. One person can make a difference in a short period of time if they do what’s really true to them. And that takes courage.kAkA.hUnTeR
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.
spoke at : 7/28/2008 07:46:00 AM
Observations from a Soldier
The first thing was that everyone was at the same level (thanks to the uniform haircut given all recruits). Other things were: stand at attention and salute, which instilled discipline and obedience; to march in step and function as a part of a team while taking individual pride as a team member; that if he did not stay in step with the others there were undesirable consequences; and that if he performed well, both he and his team were recognized.
Basic training physically hardens recruits and makes them respect their own bodies, enabling them to perform better. The first week is generally so hard and the drill sergeant so demanding that most recruits develop something akin to hatred for the sergeant. But the hatred fades quickly. By the second week of training, the typical recruit is doing everything he can to please his drill sergeant.
That is an amazing turnabout. For many recruits, the discipline is translated to love and caring for them, which is a new experience for some. The truth is, discipline is loving – just ask any parent. Discipline is essential to every individual and crucial for teams. No unit can ever become a potent fighting source without discipline and no life can be truly successful without it.
The criteria for becoming a successful soldier or a successful private citizen are the same. If we learn to function as a team member, we will do so only after we have brought our personal life under control and learned how to “drill.” When you sum it up, it really says there is something we can do about our future.kAkA.hUnTeR
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
spoke at : 7/22/2008 01:03:00 AM
What's Your Love Profile?
Virgo - Your Love Profile |
 Your positive traits:
You're incredibly thoughtful and able to give your partner what they need most.
You are totally logical. You can deal with problems without involving your emotions.
A good work ethic. You'll do whatever it takes (within reason) to make your relationship work.
Your negative traits:
Sometimes you are so focused on your goals that you let your relationships suffer
You tend to be a perfectionist - and expect perfection from your mate as well
You are picky. So picky that you rather be single than with someone who has a few minor faults.
Your ideal partner:
Values success in life as much as you do
Fits a checklist of qualities you've been looking for since childhood
Like you, is more practical and realistic than romantic
Your dating style:
Active. You're a bit hyper, so you'd prefer a date that involved rollerblading in the park or hiking.
Your seduction style:
You may seem a bit shy, but once you open up to someone - you're totally uninhibited
You like to set the scene first - candles, music, nice sheets
A bit obsessed with cleanliness, you may want to shower first with your love
Tips for the future:
Soften up a little. Vulnerability is sexy - and feels great over time.
Lower your standards a little. Look past a messy desk or someone being five minutes late.
Praise your partner more. You make expect them to be successful, but complements are still appreciated.
Best color to attract mate: Navy blue
Best day for a date: Wednesday |
spoke at : 7/20/2008 10:14:00 AM
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way..
Fortunately, problems are an everyday part of our lives. Consider this: If there were no problems, most of us would be unemployed. Realistically, the more problems we have and the larger they are, the greater our value to our employer.
Of course, some problems are small, like opening a ketchup bottle. Others are monumental, like a seriously ill or injured child or mate, which presents ongoing, daily complications. Successful living comes when we learn to handle those business and personal problems with as little fanfare as possible. The successful business executive can handle challenges and solve problem s at a remarkable clip. He or she makes quick and final decisions as a result of years of experience. The homemaker with small children at home handles many “catastrophes” each hour with the same dispatch.
Many people use counterproductive methods to deal with problems: They refuse to recognize them, deny responsibility for them, pretend they will go away if they ignore them, or are just flat insensitive to them. The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist. Next, we determine whether the problem is our responsibility. If the answer is yes, we must determine how serious and/or urgent it is. When that last determination is made, we either take immediate action if the problem is simple and quickly solvable or develop a plan of action and prioritize it if the solution is more difficult and time-consuming.Problem solving becomes a very important part of our makeup as we grow into maturity or move up the corporate ladder. I encourage you to take the time to define the problem correctly, learn the skill of quick analysis and remember, if it weren’t for problems in your life, your position might not be necessary in the first place. Ironing out the wrinkles and solving the problems are what most jobs are about.kAkA.hUnTeR
Make not your thoughts your prisons.
spoke at : 7/16/2008 09:25:00 AM
What Year Were You Born Under?
You Were Born Under:
 You are solid, methodical, and you do things right the first time.
Even when no one else does, you always believe in yourself.
You tend to see the world in black and white, right or wrong.
A good memory and eye for details means you tend to thrive at near impossible tasks. |
spoke at : 7/14/2008 05:23:00 PM
What's Your Sexual Orientation?
You Are Straight |
 There's not much queer about you. So let's just say you're straight... but not narrow. |
spoke at : 7/12/2008 11:17:00 AM
8 Ways to Build Courage
1. Understand that in difficult situations, there are always choices.According to Chinese writer and philosopher Ming-Dao Deng, “Whether we remain ash or become the phoenix is up to us.” Are you going to let circumstances break you? Or are you going to break old habits and go to new heights? Your life does not depend as much on what happens to you as on how you respond to what happens to you. Keep in mind that even though an action may be scary at first, simply taking an action is the first step toward building courage.2. Have the courage to move away from people who think negatively, who want to pull down your ideas. Misery loves company. If there are people around you who don’t give you the support you need, or who consistently tell you that you don’t measure up – walk away from them. Don’t take their words to heart. It takes courage to step outside a circle of people, but if that circle is defining who you are in a negative way, it’s time to move on.3. Do not let your fears become bigger than reality.Remember that old definition of FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. Humans are extremely creative; we can think of a million things that can go wrong in any given situation. Use that to your advantage. If you know that a particular obstacle might arise, you can prepare yourself and guard against it. Then let go of the things that are beyond your control. If you let it, fear itself gets larger and larger and keeps you from having the courage to move forward. Use yourself as an example. We have all done things that were frightening at first (made a speech, started a new relationship, began a new career). Most of the time, the result is that you realize they were not as bad as you though they would be and now you can go forward and do them again. You have to believe that taking an action is of greater benefit to you than letting the fear hold you back.4. Go back to your core values.What are your beliefs? What type of people do you want to deal with in your life? What is integrity to you? What are the values you are searching for? What keeps you going? The strongest people are those who keep their core values in mind every time they make a decision. They make decisions based not only on how they think, not only on how their gut feels, but also on what is inside their hearts. When you make a decision, ask yourself: Can I do this and keep my dignity? My integrity? Can I do it without hurting others? If you can answer yes to these questions, you are probably on the right track.5. Build up your courage step by step.Courage does not always come in one giant package. Success breeds success; every time you accomplish something, your confidence increases and build upon itself. When you reach your goal, other people may look at you and say, ‘I can’t believe what you accomplished.’ They see the one big event. What they don’t see is the history of small steps you have taken, each one demanding the courage that got you to this place. Push yourself a little more everyday, and your courage will be nurtured and blossom before your eyes. Try greater and greater ventures until you are brave enough to accomplish undertakings far beyond what you though you could. The rewards will be beyond your imagination.6. Indulge in quiet confidence.Courage advances our skill and advances our position in life. But there’s also a warning that one must heed and that is not to get too cocky. Don’t mistake hubris – pride taken to the extreme – for courage. Most people whom others consider to be heroes do not see themselves in that role. They simply took actions that needed to be taken. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your accomplishments, but let the accomplishments speak for themselves. They say more about you than words could ever express.7. Savor the struggle.Courage doesn’t always come easily. Sometimes you must struggle against inertia. There are many times when we are in turmoil, when we are actively searching deep within ourselves to find the courage we need. Courage challenges us. There is an old saying that goes, “You never see the true strength of a tea bag until it’s in hot water.” Any time you are going to do something that is a courageous act in any way – small or large – there is a struggle to do it. Remember that you again strength from that struggle. Understand that the struggle in itself will build you, not break you down.8. Be original.Think outside of the box. Don’t be afraid to be first. True, other people might not understand or might criticize your way of thinking. But it is only when you stretch outside of your current situation that you come up with new ideas. You don’t have to come up with astounding ideas or inventions that no one has ever discovered before. Being original means seeing things from your unique perspective and believing in their value. Being original means pushing old ideas in new directions. It is not easy to do; it takes courage. But the “road not taken” usually offers the best scenery and the most exciting adventures. This is the courage that drives us forward and leads us to better lives.kAkA.hUnTeR
Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents and man is more powerful than matter.
spoke at : 7/11/2008 12:41:00 AM
Gossip Is Enormously Destructive
We frequently hear little jokes about gossips, like the two people who were walking and one said, “I can’t tell you anymore. I have already told you more than I heard.” In that line is much of the tragedy about gossip, which can, and often has, destroyed a person’s reputation. Gossip always damages relationships, specifically with the person you are gossiping about. For example, once you have said something unkind about a person, you will feel uncomfortable around them and your relationship with them will suffer.
Before we disseminate information that might be considered gossip, we must carefully ponder three questions: Number one, is it the truth? If it fails the first test, then it is not repeatable. Number two, even if it is the truth, do you really need to share it? Will it help anyone? Will it hurt anyone? Would it be better left unsaid? If there are no benefits to anyone, then what possible purpose could repeating it serve? Number three, is it kind? In our world so full of cynicism and skepticism, will repeating this story be kind? Would it be better left unsaid? Would you really be better off repeating this information? When you analyze it this way, your chances of being a gossiper are dramatically reduced.
When you consider the benefits of stopping gossip in its tracks, you will discover they are substantial. First, you do not damage yourself, which means that your reputation and esteem are untarnished. That is good. Second, you won’t harm someone else’s reputation. This means that your circle of friends will be larger. Since most of us do not have any friends we would like to lose. kAkA.hUnTeR
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.
spoke at : 7/10/2008 11:45:00 AM
Interesting News..
spoke at : 7/10/2008 11:40:00 AM
When we recognize, use and develop what is inside us to the fullest capacity, it's amazing what we can do with our lives. It's never too late to dream, to learn, or to change.kAkA.hUnTeR
Never give up and good luck will find you.
spoke at : 7/07/2008 10:23:00 AM
What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?
Your Emoticon is Sad
 You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up! |
spoke at : 7/07/2008 10:21:00 AM
Never Follow a Bad Shot with a Bad Decision
Too often all of us hit a “bad shot” (e.g. make a mistake, handle the truth loosely). Then we compound that “bad shot” by denying it, defending it, lying about it, or rationalizing it instead of quietly thinking it through, acknowledging the mistake, and working through it in a logical, forthright manner.kAkA.hUnTeR
Experience is knowing a lot of things you shouldn't do.
spoke at : 7/06/2008 06:50:00 PM
First Day of School..
Actually.. I feel kinda stressed up inside.. Think this gonna be one tough semester for me.. The lecturer is an Ang Mo somemore, I am having some trouble trying to understand what he was speaking although i studied basic English for like.. 12 donkey years..? 16th July I will be having my driving practical test.. It crashed with one of my lectures but no choice.. Have to pass this driving test, if not skipping that lecture will be a waste. Wish me luck..kAkA.hUnTeR
To know and not to do is not yet to know.
spoke at : 7/03/2008 12:44:00 AM
How Sinful Are You?
Your Deadly Sins |
 Greed: 80%
Envy: 60%
Gluttony: 60%
Pride: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Sloth: 40%
Lust: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 54%
You'll die in a castle, surrounded by servants. |
spoke at : 7/03/2008 12:42:00 AM
Getting Out of the Box
Many people set low ceilings on their expectations and capabilities. In the process, they place themselves in a “box.” Few of us live in a “box.” However, too many of us have a tendency to “box” ourselves in and continue to do things one way because we have “always done it this way.” In many cases, time and experience have proved that “this way” is the best way. However, I challenge you to periodically take a long walk or quietly sit and think about they way you do things. Ask yourself if there might not be a better way. Could your procedures be simplified? Are they necessary at all? Could they be done more efficiently? Could your product be longer? Shorter? A different shape? Another fabric? Another color? Sometimes you can come up with simple ideas that make a difference. Incidentally, one advantage of a way of life that includes continual personal growth and education is that the broader and deeper your knowledge base, the more creative your problem-solving approach to life.
Simple example: For years men’s coat had an inside pocket only on the right where pens and other items were kept. One day somebody had a thought: Since most men are right-handed, why not put a pocket on the inside left so that they could reach in, extract the pen with their right hand, and being writing? Not monumental, it saves a second or two and it’s sold lots of suits. kAkA.hUnTeR
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
spoke at : 7/02/2008 10:20:00 AM
Year 3..
Finally, i received my Year 3 schedule. 3 weeks for intensive lectures.. omg!! Gonna get mentally prepare asap.. School starting on 2nd July.. Here comes the pain again.. haha..kAkA.hUnTeR
Don't let your guard down.
spoke at : 7/01/2008 01:15:00 AM
Could You Be Violent?
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent
 Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.
Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.
Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. |
spoke at : 7/01/2008 01:07:00 AM