Monday, November 23, 2009
Little Things Do Make Big Differences
Somebody once said that honesty in little things is no little thing. Also, the smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. How right these statements are. On the serious side, a little thing can be enormously significant. Retired Brigadier General Robinson Risner was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for more than 7 years. He was in solitary confinement for 5 of those years. He suffered from cold, heat, malnutrition, and lack of fresh air. He was totally deprived of any human comfort. He jogged in his cell by the hour. When he became so frustrated he had to scream, he stuffed his underwear into his mouth to muffle the scream. He would not give his captors the satisfaction of knowing his frustration.
One day, in the depths of despair, General Risner lay down on the floor and looked all around his small rectangular-shaped cell. He put his eye next to the cinder blocks, hoping that there would be a crack in one of them. Fortunately, there was a minute opening and he saw a single leaf. Later he stated that seeing that evidence of life outside was a tremendously uplifting and life-changing event.
When I heard his story, most of my complaints in life suddenly fell into context, and I resolved to be more appreciative of the many blessings I had instead of complaining about what I did not have. A quiet glance around you will reveal many blessings that you have already received and will continue to receive. Expressing appreciation for these blessings is a winning approach to life.kAkA.hUnTeR
Let's hope I pass.
spoke at : 11/23/2009 05:30:00 PM
Monday, November 16, 2009
My Mum and Irene Ang
Left to Right: My Mum and Irene Ang at Food Republic Dessert Stall
spoke at : 11/16/2009 11:14:00 AM
Sunday, November 08, 2009
How Do You Really Feel About Your Family?
You Feel Humbled By Your Family |
 You get along with everyone in your family, and you tend to play the peacemaker. You can see issues from all sides.
You feel like your family is prone to too many arguments and instability. You never feel like things can be completely peaceful.
You've improved your family relationships through introspection. You always look at your own behavior first, and you've made changes to how you act.
You are honest and very outspoken with your family. You sometimes hurt feelings by saying things they don't want to hear. |
spoke at : 11/08/2009 09:06:00 AM