Seven of Pentacles

I did a single card reading today. And the 7 of Pentacles came to me. This card is the "sow and you will reap" card because it shows a farmer assessing his crops. It signals that you have put your time and effort into your ambition and it will pay off. You may soon harvest the bountry of your own hard work
The 7 of Pentacles has worked hard to cultivate and nurture his resources. Even as he pauses to admire his fruits of his labor, he knows he must continue to till the soil and plant the new seeds that will grow into tomorrow's abundance. If not, you will start to worry that your effort wouldn't pay off.
Some pointers for better understanding:
Exchange, Gain, Business, Worries, Hardwork, Patience.
spoke at : 7/20/2007 01:26:00 PM