Ambition is the base – the foundation for success. I think mainly it is because success is not an accident. You won’t get it unless you admit that you want it unless you sit up and tell yourself that you got big goals and its time to go out and get them. You will still need discipline and patience but ambition is the engine that will help you keep your passion hot and get you where you want to go.
Is making money 1 of your goals? Why do you want the money? So you can spend it on things you like? Or are you thinking about using your money to help others? Success means thinking and feeling and knowing that you can help. I think that is what success really means. Seeing someone in need and knowing that you can share your strength.If it’s all about you, why not consider about drawing a wide circle and include others in your success?kAkA.hUnTeR
To deserve what you own, you need to invest time and energy in making it better.
Owning what we build drives us to build great things.
spoke at : 3/27/2008 04:46:00 PM