How to Rise Your Threshold of Risk?
What is a risk threshold? It is the level of risk that you can tolerate and still sleep at night. Some people can handle enormous amounts of risk and uncertainty and sleep soundly, confident in their ability to cope with their problems in the morning. Others toss and turn all night long.Obviously, some people handle risk better than others. If you are serious about improving your situation, you have to learn to live with increasing levels of risk.The most important step you can take toward gradually increasing your risk threshold is to understand what risk is.Risk is a scary word until you understand it. Most people spend their lives running from risk. They assume that if they could be perfectly secure (without risk), they would be perfectly happy. Little wonder they are so frustrated! Because there is no way to be perfectly secure in a free-market society, those who risk the most are also free to reap the greatest rewards.Contrast this with the Communist economic system, in which everyone's security is guaranteed (or where everyone is forced to be secure). One system has lines of people waiting to get in. The other system has lines of people waiting to get out. Is there any doubt which system you would rather live under? You will be a lot happier once you stop trying to be secure and start being thankful for the opportunity to risk.Ask any successful person why they are so successful. They will answer in 2 words: good decision.But how do you learn to make good decisions? One word: experience.But how do you get experience? Two words: bad decisions.The question is: are you willing to risk making enough bad decisions so that you can gain the experience necessary to be able to make good ones?kAkA.hUnTeR
It is indeed hard to learn sometimes, because of fear.
spoke at : 3/21/2008 03:04:00 PM