Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last Day of 2008
Actually I am feeling abit sad that this year is going to end just like this. As for my 2008 resolutions, i almost did it but kinda became slacky toward the last 2 months. Sigh... I closed my eyes and thought about all the things i have done... I found out that time sure flew pass so fast. It's the 2nd cycle for me as my chinese zodiac is the ox. My best friend, Wee Hou, actually reminded me that 12 years ago we just finished our PSLE. Hmm, thought back on my first breakup.. My first day in SIM.. Made some new friends along the way.. And sooo many things.. Sigh.. I don't know what to say.. Hard to describe my feelings in words.. Life is really really short. Cherish it.
I just want to be someone who is useful and productive.
spoke at : 12/31/2008 06:42:00 PM
Monday, December 29, 2008
Control or not
Basing our happiness on our ability to control everything is futile. While we do control our choice of action, we cannot control the consequences of our choices. Universal laws or principles do. Thus, we are not in control of our lives, principles are.kAkA.hUnTeR
Our problem, as one put it, “is to get at the wisdom we already have.”
spoke at : 12/29/2008 11:21:00 AM
Are You More Cat or Dog?
You Are: 60% Dog, 40% Cat
 You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.
spoke at : 12/29/2008 11:18:00 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Memory Is Important
When someone wonders if I remember such and such an event or so-and-so, if the answer is no one of my favorite response is to smile and acknowledge that no, I don’t. Then I explain that I have a brilliant memory – it’s just awfully short.
The truth is, memory is the key to many things. If we don’t remember things, we are hopelessly lost and are placed in a confinement of sorts. However, there are some things you can do effective immediately that will improve your memory substantially. Douglas Hermann, in his book, Super Memory, points out that practice alone can improve “global” memory and substantially boost retrieval ability in certain areas of life. He says when you practice specific memory tasks, you can produce spectacular results.
Dr Hermann says that most people who attempt to learn a long string of numbers read to them normally will remember about seven of the numbers correctly. However, he says that after practicing for several momths, many people can remember forty, fifty, sixty or even as many as eighty numbers in a string. The only problem is that it does require some work and a commitment to the objective.
He points out that most people normally can recall about a third of what they know. However, after a month of daily practicing to recall specific bits of information, they can dramatically improve, whether it’s remembering a geographical location, a historical fact, or a personal event that took place many years earlier. This proves that if we do have a “poor memory,” it’s probably caused by an untrained or lazy memory. Work on that memory. You will have more fun, be more effective, more productive in the process.kAkA.hUnTeR
The greatest fulfillment in improving ourselves comes in our empowerment to more effectively reach out and help others.
spoke at : 12/22/2008 09:04:00 AM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A new friend...
Enjoyed last night.. ^^ thanks..kAkA.hUnTeR
For most of us, the issue is not between the “good” and the “bad,” but between the “good: and the “best.” So often the enemy of the best is the good.
spoke at : 12/16/2008 12:35:00 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What Breed of Dog Are You?
You Are a Beagle
 You are good natured. You enjoy spending time with people and animals.
You have a wild, independent streak. If you're left to your own devices, you get in trouble.
You love to eat and enjoy food of all kinds. If you don't get enough physical activity, you tend to have a weight problem.
You are very stubborn. You don't like authority, and you tend to do your own thing no matter what. |
spoke at : 12/14/2008 05:20:00 PM
Personality or Character?
John Maxwell, one of the top leadership authorities in America, says that most people would rather work on their personality than on their character, and how right he is. Perhaps that is because the personality development brings more immediate rewards, is less demanding and, in most cases, involves little sacrifice on our part. Personality development involves learning new conversational skills, style, or developing a speaking ability.
The development of character is more profound, is considerably more difficult, and often involves making changes that are at least temporarily uncomfortable and often very demanding. The changing of habits is always a difficult procedure. The development of virtues also requires time because it means we must discipline some of our appetites and passions. Keeping promises and being sensitive to the feelings and convictions of others are not things that most of us do naturally. We have to work at them. Character development is the best indication of maturity.
Yes, it is more difficult to develop character than personality and yes, it’s true that the rewards are not as immediate. However, the long term rewards are infinitely greater. To value oneself is important, but to be able at the same time to subordinate yourself to higher purposes and principles is the paradoxical essence of highest humanity and it is the foundation for effective leadership. I believe I am safe in saying that in today’s world, the need for character and leadership outweighs the need for more people with more personality. Fortunately, when you develop the character, the personality develops far more easily and more naturally.kAkA.hUnTeR
He who lives long in the presence of an ideal at least becomes like it.
spoke at : 12/14/2008 09:46:00 AM
Monday, December 08, 2008
Here’s an interesting post to share with u guys..
I looked up this word the other day in the dictionary. It basically says that it is someone you are fond of and enjoy talking with them. I value friendship to the highest level. I am seriously make it appoint to hang out with my friends at least once every two weeks. Of course, not all yet. But I am trying now.
So what happens when you are the better friend? When you are the one that is always calling or inviting and that person just blows you off. Deep down you may be thinking that there is something wrong with you. Well, nothing is wrong with you. Everyone becomes caught up in their life. I do not take it personally and you shouldn’t either.
Ask yourself these 5 little questions.
1. Are you the one that always calls?
2. Do you leave comments on their sites and they never comment back?
3. Do they only talk to you when they need something?
4. Have they stood you up when you had plans?
5. Do they owe you money?
If you answered yes to 3 of these questions I am sorry to say but they are not your friend. Personally I think that they are just keeping you at arms distance just in case. They may need something from you or they just don’t know how to be a friend. Please do not point out their faults after all you are the better friend.
The problems in life come when we are sowing one thing and expecting to reap something entirely different.
spoke at : 12/08/2008 11:11:00 PM
Jackson vs Network Security
Date: 09 Dec 2008
Location: SIM Grand Hall Lvl 4
Time: 10Am - 1Pm
spoke at : 12/08/2008 07:43:00 PM